Well, I guess I really didn't know what I signed up for. I knew that working for a daily newspaper meant more work and at a faster pace, but I never really thought it through. I'll admit right now that I'm a bit overwhelmed. Having only worked on magazines (well, I did the newspaper thing in high school when I was assistant editor in chief), jumping right into a daily
publication is intense to say the least. We stayed late last night (until after nine) to start the paper so that we'd be out at a decent hour tonight. Silly me. It's nearing 8 p.m., and it's
just coming together. Finally. Home stretch. I've been told that the first few nights are like this but that as the summer wears on, the quicker it'll go. I certainly hope so. I was planning on visiting with relatives this evening (my aunt Anette and uncle John at their place at Peek'n Peak) but had to pass for obvious reasons.
Luckily I still get to have a fun weekend. Seal, my college roommate, is coming to visit tomorrow! And she's bringing Juno, her new puppy. I'm very excited about this.
Also, the summer season of the Chautauqua Institution officially starts tomorrow at noon. I can't wait to see this place packed with people and to be a part of the hustle and bustle. I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures of events soon. Until then, have a good weekend.